Books About Writing

This is dedicated to books about writing--how useful I found
them to be, and whether I would recommend them or not.


Setting--------------------------------by Bickham

Description---------------------------by Wood

Dialogue------------------------------by Turco

Conflict, Action, & Suspense---------by Noble

Beginnings, Middles, & Ends---------by Kress

Deadly Doses------------------------by Stevens & Klarner

Cause of Death----------------------by Wilson

Murder One------------------------ by Corvasce & Paglino

Armed & Dangerous----------------by Newton

Modus Operandi--------------------by Corvasce & Paglino

Malicious Intent---------------------by Mactire

Scene of the Crime-----------------by Wingate

Writing Mysteries------------------edited by Grafton

Poisoning & Drug Overdose-------edited by Olson, MD

Your Novel Proposal--------------by Camenson & Cook

Character Naming Sourcebook----by Kenyon
(a google search will yield more info)

Word Painting ---------------------by McClanahan

Robert's Rules of Writing ----------by Masello

Write Away------------------------by George

Creative Writing--------------------by Mueller & Reynolds

How To Tell A Story---------------by Rubie & Provost

Fiction Writer's Workshop---------by Novakovich

Writing Fiction Step by Step-------by Novakovich

Creating Character Emotion-------by Hood

Character Traits-------------------by Edelstein

Creating Unforgettable Characters--by Seger

For Women Only----------------- by Feldhahn

For Men Only--------------------by Feldhahn

Putting Your Passion into Print----by Eckstut & Sterry

Creating Fiction------------------by Leebron and Levy

Manuscript Makeover-------------by Lyon

Writing Subtext--------------------by Seger

American Crime Fiction-----------by Nickerson

The Writer's Book of Wisdom----by Goldsberry

Take Ten for Writers-------------by Neubauer

If You Can Talk . . . -------------by Saltzman

The Right to Write----------------by  Cameron

Writing Without the Muse--------by Joselow

Storytelling & Art of Imagination--by Mellon

The Practical Writer--------------by Eiben & Gannon

The First Five Pages--------------by Lukeman

Handbook of Novel Writing------by ED. Writer's Digest

Fiction Writer's Companion------by Shubailey

Romance Writer's Phrase Book--by Kent  & Shelton

Passionate Ink-------------------by Knight

Idiot's Guide to Writing Erotic Romance--by Kent

Roget's Desk Thesaurus---------by Random House

The American Heritage Dictionary--by Houghton & Mifflin

Oxford Amer. Writer's Thesaurus--by  Oxford Staff

The Describer's Dictionary---------by Grambs

The Guide to Self Pubkishing ------by Ross

The 100 Best Business Books of All TIme--by Covet & Sattersten

The Marketing Gurus---------------by Murray

Getting Published (Idiot Guide)-----by Bykofsky & Sander

Publishing Magazine Articles-------by Bykofsky, Sander, Rominger