Word Clouds

Word clouds are the many definitions a word may have.
Of interest, I added penis and vagina to the list, which I
only found in a dictionary, and that definition was a
brief clinical one.  On the other hand, climax and orgasm,
plenty of definitions for those.  If you are looking for a
realistic definition for some spicier terms, try the Urban
Dictionary.com online.  The first clouds are colors--only
seven to start, and more to come.

Blue (color)

sky blue, royal blue, robbin's egg blue, steel blue,
federal blue, azure, heavenly blue, baby blue,
powder blue, sapphire,  cyan blue, aquamarine,
turquoise, marine blue, ultramarine, lapis lazuli,
navy, indigo, wedgewood, delft, electric, cobalt,
cornflower, teal.


viridescent, vivescent, bluish green, sea green,
grass green, olive green,  pea green,  verdant,
jade, malachite, kelly green,, moss green,
celadon, hunter, forest, lime, mist, chartreuse.
emerald, leaf green.


ruby, scarlet, garnet, red amber, crimson,
cinnabar, wine, claret, russet, burgundy,
oxblood, carmine, apple, cherry,  tomato,
vermillion, maroon, strawberry, raspberry,
blood red, candy apple, currant.


fool's gold,  blonde, ash blonde, white gold,
brass, platinum, honey, palomino, straw,
burnished, sandy, silver blond,  primrose,
daffodil, jonquil, cadmium, buff, flaxen..


Onyx, blue-black, ink, coal, jet ebony,
obsidian, raven, anthracite, black pearl,
midnight, shadow, pitch, sable.


earth, nutmeg, cinnamon, rust, chocolate,
cocoa, dun, tan, tawny, bay, chestnut,
roan, pecan, mahogany, rosewood, maple,
taupe, coffee, cafe au lait, toffee,  mocha,
tortoise shell, brick, ginger, hazel, walnut,
ecru, mushroom, fawn, buckskin, nut brown,
umber, saddle, raisin, khaki, drab, bronze,
copper, tanned, foxy.


milk, snow, milky quartz, oatmeal, ecru'
eggshell, parchment, lily, white jade,
moonstone, ivory, cream, alabaster, opal,
magnolia, vanilla, chalk, oyster.

Words of action--especially sexual action!


Feel, knead, finger, rub, thumb, press, palm,
trifle with,  stroke, caress, pat, fondle, paw,
examine, study, handle, maniplate, palpate,
twiddle, pat, tap, tamp, rap, strike, pet,
be in contact with, graze, border, sweep against,
dab, daub, dot, blot, speckle, trace, mark,
get close to, approach, tint, conjoin, adjoin,
press up against, bump into, glance, crash into,
collide with, impinge upon, lay a finger on,
smack, whack, swat, hit, elbow, jab, poke,
thump, conk, bop,


zenith, culmination,  meridan,  pitch, orgasm,
pay off, high point, crowning point, supreme
movement, full flower, sublimity,  supremacy.
utmost, intensity. build up , peak, crest, top out,
pinnacle, conclude, finish, acme, high noon, prime,
maturity, fruition, bloom, perfection, extreme,
crisis, critical point, turning point, juncture,
crossroads, turning of the tide, intensification,
heightening, build-up, acumination, sharpening,
result, bring to a head, consummate, perfect,
complete, conclude, finish, bring to a close.


Ecstatic, exalted, excited, enthusiastic, thrilled,
elated, over-joyed, transported, ravished,
overcome, rapturous, blissful, delirious,
orgastic, exhilarated, enthusiastic, in heaven,
in 7th heaven,  on cloud nine, happy as a clam
at high tide, beside oneself, bouncing with joy,
in orbit, flying, floating, walking on air, very
happy, delighted, joyful, glad, feliciticous,


Feeling, sentiment, reaction, response, passion,
instinct, intuition, gut feeling. fullness of heart,
excitement, agitation, zeal, ardor, vehemence,
fervor, heat, warmth, concern, strong feeling,
love, hate, anger, jealousy, sorrow, sadness,
fear, despair, happiness, satisfaction, pride,
regret, remorse, embarrassment, hope,
eagerness, loyalty.  Agitation of the passions
or sensibilities, often involving physiological


Passionate, hot-blooded, ardent, fervent,
excitable,  temperamental, melodramatic,
tempestuous, demonstrative, responsive,
tender, loving, feeling, sentimental, sensitive,
moving, touching, stirring, soul-stirring,
heartwarming, thrilling, heartrending,
responsive, impassioned,  hypersensitive,
fiery, temperamental, vulnerable, zealous,
enthusiastic, impetuous, hysterical, wrought-up,
high-strung.  Readily affected by emotions.


Feeling of extreme displeasure, hostility,
indignation,  exasperation, wrath,  rage,
ire, fury, resentment, vexation, crossness,
irritation, irritability, pique, annoyance,
outrage, , irascibility, ill temper,  slow
burn, aggravation, infuriation, peeve,
mad, put out,  livid, choleric, wrathful,
ranting and raving, foaming at the mouth,
seething, enraged, furious, irate, raging,
incandescent, outraged, hopping mad,
in high dudgeon, seeing red, boiling,
hot under the collar, doing a slow burn,
fuming, fit to be tied,  mad, cross, riled,
provoked, provocation, galled, irritated,
pissed off, annoyed, irked, piqued,
displeased, sour, unfriendly, cold.

Note--Anger denotes strong, but usually
temporary displeasure and is the most
general term.

Rage and  fury are closely related in the
sense of intense, uncontained, explosive

Fury associated with more
destructive emotions, while rage is
thought to be more justified by circum-

Ire is a poetic term for anger (but
some colloquialisms refer to "geeting
his ire up.")

Wrath applies to fervid anger that seeks
vengeance or punishment.

Resentment refers to ill will or suppressed

One feels indignation at seeing the mistreatment
on someone.

Good example from Creating Character
Emotions in a show, not tell, fashion follows:

"My mother slammed down the phone.  "He
can't even die when he wants to!" she cried.
"Even death comes second to Mama!  What
are they afraid of, the shock will kill her?
Nothing can kill her.  She's indestructible!  A
stake through the heart couldn't kill her!"


Uneasiness, unease, worry, apprehension,
misgiving, foreboding, distress, concern, tension,
anguish, angst, suspense, fretfulness, disquiet,
dread, fear, alarm, solicitude, apprehension,
apprehensiveness, fearfulness, disquietude,
perturbation, nervousness, heebie-jeebies,,
butterflies in one's stomach, jitterinrss,
the jitters,  twitchiness.

Psychiatry--Intense fear of dread lacking a
specific threat, sometimes referred to as
free-floating anxiety.

Anxiety suggests feelings of concern detached
from objective sources,

Worry implies persistent doubt or fear that
produces strong mental agitation.

Care implies mental oppression of varying degrees
arising from heavy responsibilities.

Concern has more to do with serious thought
than emotion and stresses personal involvement
in the source of the mental unrest.

Solicitude is the active concern for the well-being
of another person..

A good example of anxiety from the same book
"But those people in the hospital rooms, gray and dying,
that was her.  Could such a thing be possible?  To die?
Yes, at some point she guessed you did die.  But her?
So soon? With so little time to get used to the idea?"


Indifference, lack of interest, lack of enthusiasm,
unconcerned, unmoved, uninvolved, disinterested,
unemotional, emotionless, dispassionate, lukewarm,
unmotivated, halfhearted, unresponsiveness, impassivity,
lethargy, languor, ennui, listlessness, boredom, lassitude,

good example from book:

"Kevin Howard sits in that cubicle over there.  He is a
serial killer, the one they call the Carpet Cutter,
responsible for the mutilations across town.  We're
not supposed to know that, so don't let on."


Disorder, jumble, distraction, bewilderment,
perplexity, befuddlement,  mistaking one thing
for another, stupefaction, puzzlement, mystification,
disconcertment, discomposure, abashment, chaos,
disarray, disorganization, untidiness, shambles,
upheaval, mess, muddle, clutter.


Satisfaction, gratification, fulfillment, pleasure,
happiness, cheerfulness, ease, comfort, peace,
well-being, equanimity, serenity, tranquility.

inquisitive, snoopy, nosy, intrusive, prying,
questioning, inquiringness, acquisitiveness,
investigativeness, interrogating, query, search,
searching, scrutinizing, study, studying, interest,
research, researching, officiousness, meddling,
meddlesomeness, business,  interference, interfering.
kabitzing, forwardness, audacity, impertinence,
snoopiness,   prowling, peeping, peering, mousing,
eavesdropping, rubbernecking, peculiarity,
abberation, deviation, anomaly, rare, curio,
oddity, rarity, novelty, freak, wonder, marvel,
miracle, phenomenon, prodigy, spectacle, sight,
spectacular, eye-opener, mind-boggler, mind-


Crave, want, wish, yearning, thirst,
hunger, appetite, aspiration, inclination,
fancy, impulse, hankering, eagerness,
lust, sexual attraction, passion, sensuality,
sexuality, lasciviousness, lechery, the hots,
salaciousness, libidinousness, raunchiness,
horniness, wish for, long for, desiderate,
yearn for, hope for, care for, pine for, sigh for,
hanker after, have a yen for, covet, fancy,
have a fancy for, be attracted to,  predisposed towards,
prefer, aspire to,  emulate, set one's heart on,
relish, lust after, burn for, letch after, ask for,
request, entreat, urge, plead, summon, solicit,
importune, petition, entreat, beseech, beg,
implore, supplicate, adjure, endeavor to obtain,
appeal for, order, demand, require, longing,
wish,  wishing, want, wanting, yearning, , hope,
hoping, pining, sighing, hankering, yen, itch,
fondess, liking, attraction, ambition, inclinaton,
predilection, preference, propensity, proclivity,
predisposal, bent, leaning, disposition, eagerness,
ardor, ravenousness,  rapaciousness, voracity,
voraciousness, avidity, greed, greediness,
cupidity, avarice, graspingness, frenzy, mania,
craze, rage, importunity, prayer, appeal, libido,
sexual appetite, aphrodisia, lewdness, bawdiness,
wantonness, lasciviciousness, salaciousness,
lubricity, carnal passion, passion, impassioned
towards,   pririency, lechery,  burning,
heat, eroticism, erotism, sensuality, sexuality.


Hopelessness, disheartenment, dismay,
discouragement, dejection, depression, despondency,
slough of despond, defeatism, pessimisn, resignation,
resignedness, gloom, melancholy, melancholia,
misery, wretchedness, distress, broken-heartedness,
grief, sorrow, dolor, anguish, desperation, disconsolateness,
unconsolateness, unconsolability, tribulation, trial, ordeal,
heartache, pain, suffering, burden, cross, incubus, nightmare,
extremity, anxiety, nemesis, bane, scourge, curse, plague,
bother, nuisance, unhappiness.


Agitation, perturbation, excitation, violence, tension,
unrest, trepidation, trepidity,  disquiet,  ferment,  malaise,
restlessness, commotion, stimulus, urge, motive,
impulse, desire, drive, push, press, goad, spur, prick,
jolt, jog,  thrust, dictate, call,. lure, allure, charm, thrill,
kick, action, rush, feeling, sensation, passion, ardor,
fervor, zeal, warmth, flush, fire, heat, eagerness,
enthusiasm, ebullition, elation, explosion, outburst,
outbreak, riot, stumulation, animation, invigoration,
motivation,  infection, vivification, exhilaration,
galvinization, electrification, incitation, instigation,
encouragement, provacation, fomentation, actuation,
suscitation, inflammation, infuriation, disturbance,
temtation, allurement, seduction, beguilement,
inveiglement, fascination, intoxication, enravishment,

Kate Thorn