Words and their definitions:
Luminous --Radiating or reflecting light;.well lighted; brilliantly intellectually; clear; readily intelligible
Meliorate--To make better; improve; to grow better; evolve to higher plane
Apophasis--Allusion via denial
Diaphanous-- Thin; translucent; characterized by delicacy of form; vague; insubstantial.
Unctuous--Fatty; oily; smooth and greasy in texture and appearance; insucurely smooth in speech and manner
Imbroglio--A complicated and embarrassing state of things; a confused disagreement; an intricately complicated plot; a confused mass; a tangle
Lubricious--Having a smooth or slippery quality, as in skin; lewd; wanton or lustful; salacious
Valetudinarian--Weak and sickly person chronically focused on their health
Tetchy--Easily annoyed; oversensitive.
Doppleganger--A ghostly double; counterpart of a living person; alter ego; double
Hyaline--Resembling glass in transparency; glassy; clear
Oeuvre--The works of a writer or painter taken as a
whole; any of the works of an author; body of work
Edacious --Having hug appetites; ravenous; excessively
eager; insatiable.
Lebensraum--Space required for living and development .
Wunderkind--A child prodigy; one who achieves great
acclaim or success at an early age.
Vociferous--Making or given to noisy outcry; clamorous; noisy.
Diktat--An order or decree imposed without popular consent;
a harsh settlement imposed on a defeated party.
Claque--A group of people hired to applaud at a performance.
Ululate--To howl or wail.
Susurrus--A whispering or rustling sound.
Tintinnabulation--The ringing, or sound of bells.
Cockalorum---A self-important, boastful person.
Cassandra--A daughter of Priam endowed with the
gift of prophecy but fated never to be
Kerf--To cut or carve in wood or metal or stone.