Changing habits is not an easy thing to accomplish.
In fact, initially, one sets out positively to eradicate all
habits not deemed as positive. By doing this, that very
desire ends up being the roadblock to completion. It is
difficult to change just one habit. When trying to change
many simultaneously wheels will spin in frustration.
I once worked with an individual who made a quiet and
private decision to lose weight. She laid out a personal
plan to achieve this goal. She told no one. She brought
her lunch in from home and no longer ate at the cafeteria.
No one really noticed the differences; she did
not advertise her plan. It was one year later when I
commented, "You've lost weight." She had lost 50 pounds,
gave all her larger size clothes away, and continued to eat
Habits are part of the way we have come to adapt to the
world around us. Some habits are decidedly positive; some
are very much counter-productive to our goals.
Habits are not who we are. They were put in place by each
person for specific reasons, and each person has the power
to change or eradicate a habit. Pretend you have a list of all
your habits, positive and negative. And all you have to do was
drag and drop these habits--habits to keep, habits to delete.
But if only it was that easy.
Starting with one habit is not overwhelming, but even just one
change demands a daily commitment to that change.
There is a book, that can be found on Amazon--Change One
Habit, Change Your Life. Embarrassingly, I neglected to write
the author's name down.
Creativity requires certain habits, certain nurturing. Besides a
morning blog, I endeavor to begin the day with positive
quotes. In closing of this post, I am going to share some of
these with you.
"In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity."------A. Einstein
"We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit."-- Aristotle
"A stong positive attitude will create more miracles than any wonder drug.--Patricia Neal
"Worry does not empty tommow of sorrow. It empties today of its strength."--Corrie Ten Boom
"Treasure this day and treasure yourself. Truly, neither will ever happen again."--Ray Bradbury
Kate Thorn
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