Saturday, October 8, 2011

Writing Classes and Reading

I read a book last night, a light quick read.  I found every
mistake the author made.  Passive voice.  Omniscient
POV.  Way too much telling, very little showing.  Not
enough dialogue, and the dialogue that was present was
strained, forced.  Characters too one-dimensional.
Secondary characters, under-developed.  Switching from
one part of story to another without warning the reader
which resulted in my going back and trying to locate what
I had missed, but there was not indication that the main
character had switched locations (drastically, as in countries)
or that 4 months had passed.

All these classes I have been taking at has
enabled to see and accurately describe what is wrong with a
piece of writing--including my own. This has resulted in more
professional writing on my part.

Kate Thorn

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