Sunday, July 24, 2011

Roadblocks in Creativity

Recently I became stuck while writing on my series.  I was in
the middle of an emotional quandary; for me those are usually
the easiest for me to write.  Not this time.  I continued with my
work on re-writing.

Then one day after writing in my morning blog--the reason hit
me like a ton of bricks.  It wasn't the book that was stuck.  I
was on the edge of realizing some uncomfortable details about
myself,  personal issues that I had not faced or even realized
prior to this time.

How did I become unstuck?  My main character is working
through all this now--bless her heart.  She had enough issues
without taking on one of mine, but it fit perfectly.

People write books, and, unless non-fiction, instill parts of
themselves within the pages.  The more you know about
yourself, the more balanced your book will be. Great tragedy
can reveal great inner strength and a strong character.

Kate Thorn

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